mlh growth

My focus is all about growth. The growth of businesses and the people within them. 

Leadership Growth

We work with leadership groups and also one to one with individual leaders.

Company Growth

We work with ambitious entrepreneur business owners who are committed to growing their business, typically the first goal is to double revenue or profit.   

Personal Growth

We believe the somewhat hackneyed phrase that your people make the difference.  Or at least they can make the difference if they are supported, challenged, developed and engaged.

Free 2 hour growth planning session


We offer a few two-hour free consultation sessions a month for business owners and entrepreneurs who want to explore the benefits of investing in their business to better assure growth.


You will walk away with new ideas, some solutions and a clear plan of action which is yours whether or not we decide to continue working together.


If you would like to apply for one of these sessions complete the form below:

mlh growth

Club Quarters, 61 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London WC2A 3JW

Contact Us